*Light and sound have something so called wave length in common. For long, I have visualized acoustic wave and ideas caused by the contemporary music onto the canvas. Listening to the contemporary music after careful selection, I got used to painting the simulated images, and letting the melody and my stories dance in harmony in my work place. Now I see the wave length of light from outside. The euphonious music made by the light wavelengths in the night of the city blooms into flowers of light to me.
*Before , I was digging into the landscapes of artificial urban lights in the night returning home. When I viewed from the moving car lights of the street lamps flickered as flower heads did in the gentle breeze. Greatly enjoying the nightscapes, I admired for the artificial lights embroidered in the urban night. Since then, I have shifted my gaze to the headlights of cars coming and going by my side. With the gorgeous but solitary urban night in the background images of the headlights persist in my mind till I portray them on the canvas, as the images from the beautiful flowers remain longer in the eyes even if they wither.
*I drew elaborately the headlight of a car in the urban nights in my work . As stone-throwing on a surface of a calm lake forms ripples that are growing bigger, a car headlight makes flower-like wavelengths of light that go farther from the light source. I formatively re-interpreted the nightscape with a headlight of a car entering my sight watching it with care.
*I have answered the beautiful charge given to my work by the past wonderful music through my recent work, in which light wave-lengths become sound wave-lengths then, they turn musical melody. In I see my music dance itself.
2016, Artist Hye-ja Moon